The instructions for this project was to go to your local dollar store, and buy something you want to rebrand. When I went to the dollar store I saw the classic Yoo-Hoo bottle, and thought a milk rebranding might be cool. I originally wanted to do a very clean minimalistic design but after I started sketching I kept getting drawn to the nostalgic feeling that Yoo-Hoo was giving me. I kept thinking about being a kid in the 90’s and drinking this same milk. Which is when I came up with the very 90’s esque design and color scheme for the ‘new’ Yoo-Hoo. I wanted to use bright colors and various shapes to still make it appealing to kids, but have the 90’s patterns and font choices to appeal to older people as well. I thought, if the branding of Yoo-Hoo grew with it’s consumers, it would do well among all age groups.